
All Of Your Empties

This morning, I cleaned out the bottom of the bathroom vanity and couldn't believe how many bottles of shampoo contained maybe an inch of shampoo had gotten pushed to the back
. I never seem to use them up, but remember that I'm getting low, the minute that I hit the supermarket... and I buy more. Sadly, those bottles that contain an inch are completely forgotten and I open the new bottle.

Now, I have a way to get around that. I have a little bucket sitting under the counter where I can see it. That reminds me to use up what I have so that I can toss something into the bucket. Keeps the area under the sink, a whole lot tidier too and I'm not buying more shampoo every couple of weeks! 

Hope that I gave you something to think about today :) Here is to making 2017 the most profitable year that you have ever had!

photo... morguefile

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