We are are still settling into this house and we lose things really
easily. Determine a spot where all of your Christmas stuff goes and then
post it on a bulletin board where everyone can see. I lost presents
twice this year because I forgot where I had put them. I'm a lot more
organized than I was last year!! Christmas 2020, should be a breeze!!
Hope that I gave you something to think about today :) Here is to making 2019 the most profitable year that you have ever had!
---------7 Things To Save You Money This Month-------------
Monday* I put on a sweater lol and turned down the furnace!
Tues** I used up tons of scrap Christmas wrap this year! You would be amazed at how much you can save when you put your mind to it!
Wednesday** I baked a lot of Christmas presents this year!
Thurs** I added to last year's Christmas list (in my wallet) and it saved me time and money! I never run out of ideas for what to buy!!
Friday...**“If you want to feel rich, just count the things you have that money can't buy” (Proverb)
Saturday**Plan this year's Christmas dinner and add one dish that will be a surprise!
Sunday** No one writes letters anymore... write one, stick a stamp on it and send it out. Make someone's day!!!
Hope that I gave you something to think about today :) Here is to making 2019 the most profitable year that you have ever had!
---------7 Things To Save You Money This Month-------------
Monday* I put on a sweater lol and turned down the furnace!
Tues** I used up tons of scrap Christmas wrap this year! You would be amazed at how much you can save when you put your mind to it!
Wednesday** I baked a lot of Christmas presents this year!
Thurs** I added to last year's Christmas list (in my wallet) and it saved me time and money! I never run out of ideas for what to buy!!
Friday...**“If you want to feel rich, just count the things you have that money can't buy” (Proverb)
Saturday**Plan this year's Christmas dinner and add one dish that will be a surprise!
Sunday** No one writes letters anymore... write one, stick a stamp on it and send it out. Make someone's day!!!
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