
How To Choose A Paint Color!! Trust me... there is a trick!!

 Are you considering updating a paint color in one of your rooms.  You might consider a lighter color to brighten the room. We have a basement in a color that went on the walls that did the opposite.  You would be amazed at how paint colors can change when affected by light!! So... go at least one shade at least lighter that the paint chip!!  That basement I mentioned... it's big and its going to take a lot of paint to brighten it up.  I wish we had gone for a lighter shade!!

Hope that I gave you something to think about today :) Here is to making 2020 the most profitable year that you have ever had!

------------------ What I Did To Keep Myself Sane.....
Worked on another one of my projects. I won't tell you just how many blogs that I own at the moment, but its a lot lol. I use them pretty much because I love collecting information. They are kind of like my bucket list of neat stuff that I don't want to lose!!

Friday...**  Just checked the rhubarb and it looks awesome. I wonder what rhubarb cider would taste like???

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