
Prices... I'm Wondering about What I'm Seeing!

 Have you noticed that everything in the supermarket has increased in price??  I wonder if they will ever come back down again?? Something tells me that we are going to just have to suck it up because we have no choice.

* Hope that I gave you something to think about today :) Here is to making 2020 the most profitable year that you have ever had! It will definitely be a year we will never forget!!!

------------------ What I Did To Keep Myself Sane.....

Worked on another one of my projects. I won't tell you just how many blogs that I own at the moment, but its a lot lol. I use them pretty much because I love collecting information. They are kind of like my bucket list of neat stuff that I don't want to lose!!
Monday* I took off my sweater... finally!

Tues** I have a lot of birthdays ahead of me! Time to unpack some boxes to see what I have and what I need.

Wednesday** I baked today!

Thurs** I added a new item to last year's Christmas list (in my wallet) and it saved me time and money! I never run out of ideas for what to buy!! Today it was for hubby...

Friday...**“If you want to feel rich, just count the things you have that money can't buy” (Proverb)

Saturday**There is nothing worse than eating the same old meals, week after week. Time to add a few new dishes to choose from.

Sunday** No one writes letters anymore... write one, stick a stamp on it and send it out. Make someone's day!!!


Don't Feel Like Walking in the Rain!

I could make a special trip to the library for a book. At the moment, they have curbside pickup, but I just glanced at my own bookshelf. Just spotted a book that I haven't read! Luckily I stocked up at the Dollar Store before all of this happened!!

Hope that I gave you something to think about today :) Here is to making 2020 the most profitable year that you have ever had! It will definitely be a year we will never forget!!!

------------------ What I Did To Keep Myself Sane.....

Worked on another one of my projects. I won't tell you just how many blogs that I own at the moment, but its a lot lol. I use them pretty much because I love collecting information. They are kind of like my bucket list of neat stuff that I don't want to lose!!

Monday* I put on a sweater again.. oh oh...

Tues** I have a lot of birthdays ahead of me! Time to unpack some boxes to see what I have and what I need.

Wednesday** I baked today!

Thurs** I added a new item to last year's Christmas list (in my wallet) and it saved me time and money! I never run out of ideas for what to buy!! Today it was for hubby...

Friday...**“If you want to feel rich, just count the things you have that money can't buy” (Proverb)

Saturday**There is nothing worse than eating the same old meals, week after week. Time to add a few new dishes to choose from.

Sunday** No one writes letters anymore... write one, stick a stamp on it and send it out. Make someone's day!!!

A Friend Who Handles Money Better Than You

 Do you have a friend who handles money better than you do??  You just might be able to learn a few things!!! Spend the day with her, but don't say a word. Just watch and listen to what she does!!  I did just that lol and it was hilarious! Why didn't I think of this earlier! I could write a book on the woman  lol!!

Hope that I gave you something to think about today :) Here is to making 2020 the most profitable year that you have ever had! It will definitely be a year we will never forget!!!

------------------ What I Did To Keep Myself Sane.....
Worked on another one of my projects. I won't tell you just how many blogs that I own at the moment, but its a lot lol. I use them pretty much because I love collecting information. They are kind of like my bucket list of neat stuff that I don't want to lose!!
Monday* I took off my sweater... finally!
Tues** I have a lot of birthdays ahead of me! Time to unpack some boxes to see what I have and what I need.
Wednesday** I baked today!
Thurs** I added a new item to last year's Christmas list (in my wallet) and it saved me time and money! I never run out of ideas for what to buy!! Today it was for hubby...
Friday...**“If you want to feel rich, just count the things you have that money can't buy” (Proverb)
Saturday**There is nothing worse than eating the same old meals, week after week. Time to add a few new dishes to choose from.
Sunday** No one writes letters anymore... write one, stick a stamp on it and send it out. Make someone's day!!!


About Sandwiches... It Sounds Stupid I Know ;)

  Make a list of all the sandwiches that you like and then keep the list in your purse for when you go shopping. It sounds stupid I know but it really works. You glance at the list when you go to the supermarket and you know straight where to head to stock up on what is on sale that week. I  can pretty much live on sandwiches if truth be told. So, if this sounds familiar... give it a try. I'm not one like my husband who can live on the same sandwich day in and day out and never change. Give him a marmite sandwich every day and he's happy!  One problem though... because of the pandemic, England is not producing as much of it as they were and I think that we are down to one jar.  As for me... I can't stand the stuff lol so it doesn't bother me one little bit.

Hope that I gave you something to think about today :) Here is to making 2020 the most profitable year that you have ever had! It will definitely be a year we will never forget!!!

------------------ What I Did To Keep Myself Sane.....
Worked on another one of my projects. I won't tell you just how many blogs that I own at the moment, but its a lot lol. I use them pretty much because I love collecting information. They are kind of like my bucket list of neat stuff that I don't want to lose!!

Saturday**There is nothing worse than eating the same old meals, week after week. Time to add a few new dishes to choose from.


Why I Love Fridays!!

The library is available again. Have you been taking advantage of it. Okay, it's still curbside pickup, but I'm good with that. I can get in a half hour to the library and back... of exercise!

*I'm playing Forge of Empires
*And it's homemade pizza night at our house!!!

Hope that I gave you something to think about today :) Here is to making 2020 the most profitable year that you have ever had! It will definitely be a year we will never forget!!!

------------------ What I Did To Keep Myself Sane.....
Worked on another one of my projects. I won't tell you just how many blogs that I own at the moment, but its a lot lol. I use them pretty much because I love collecting information. They are kind of like my bucket list of neat stuff that I don't want to lose!!

Monday* I took off my sweater... finally!
Tues** I have a lot of birthdays ahead of me! Time to unpack some boxes to see what I have and what I need.
Wednesday** I baked today!
Thurs** I added a new item to last year's Christmas list (in my wallet) and it saved me time and money! I never run out of ideas for what to buy!! Today it was for hubby...
Friday...**“It's homemade pizza day today!!   And I have the Temple of Relics!! 
Saturday**There is nothing worse than eating the same old meals, week after week. Time to add a few new dishes to choose from.
Sunday** No one writes letters anymore... write one, stick a stamp on it and send it out. Make someone's day!!!