
How Easy Is It To Say No?

For me, it's pretty hard and I had to decide what I was going to say yesterday at the supermarket. I spotted 2 pots of Creme Brulet that were priced just right and I sooooo wanted them. I told my daughter that I would save them for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, but I know that I probably wouldn't have waited lol... they looked so good and the came in little glass ramekins that I could have used again.

I pondered for a few minutes and then put them back on the shelf. Those were a case of what I wanted and not what I needed.  I didn't need the extra sugar and I didn't need the little ramekins... even though they were cute!! Now if darling daughter buys them for me for Christmas... I still stayed within my budget and the whole thing about not buying things for me, when I'm trying to finish my Christmas shopping lol!

 **I try to update this site at least once an hour with ways to make you smarter about your money. Here is to making 2017 the most profitable year that you have ever had!

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