I was reading a news item where one lady was saying that she can take her own lunch to work for a grand total of $2.00 a day. Frankly, I think that if I divided up what I was going to take for lunch and what each item would cost, I'm sure that I could beat that! Okay, I'm not a very big eater, but a sandwich made from whole wheat bread... that we make ourselves with spinach leaves and egg salad would make up the largest part of my lunch. I would add a handful of carrot sticks and a piece of fruit. I find that bananas are filling but so are apple slices dipped in a tablespoon of peanut butter... so it all comes down to what fills you up for the least amount of money~
I try to update this site at least once an hour with ways to make you smarter about your money. Here is to making 2017 the most profitable year that you have ever had!
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