
Croissants For Breakfast Today :)

 Had the croissants we bought yesterday. Popped them into the toaster oven and the entire house smelled all buttery!! Better than air freshener if truth be known!!  And yes, they were marked down to 50% off! 

Great way to start off a new day!!  The sun is shining but it is COLD for May!

Hope that I gave you something to think about today :) Here is to making 2019 the most profitable year that you have ever had!

---------What I Did Today-------------
Monday**I'm learning to sew. A lady in our town was giving away a simple sewing machine that she didn't want anymore... and I was the first to ask. Tues**Try to find a bit of change somewhere in the house and then drop it into your savings jar! Wednesday**Went for a long walk to catch snowflakes on my tongue. A walk costs you nothing! Thurs** I'm making additions to my Christmas list. Hubby just let something slip Friday...**Did a small number of dishes by hand instead of putting them in the dishwasher. Saturday**Went for a walk today... Certainly had to bundle up!! Sunday** Learning to make fudge for next Christmas's gifts! Found a recipe that is super easy. Just have to be sure not to eat it all!

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