
Pandemic Decorating Kids Style

I'm seeing more and more of this. Kids are creating some amazing outwork that has been appearing on windows and on sidewalks. One window I saw yesterday was COVERED  with giant bumble bees. I'm not kidding. I  stopped walking for a few seconds just to gaze at the window!!   As for sidewalk art, I'm sure that another little artist must have gone through every piece of chalk she owned. In front of me (yes, I stopped walking to admire this piece of art as well) was carefully sketched the sky complete with big fluffy clouds that she then went on to carefully color and decorate with birds. I'm sure that she is going to become an artist in the years to come. I can't even imagine the time she spent on her hands and knees to create her little masterpiece!! She even had lightning bolts lol! Not sure where they came from lol!!

Hope that I gave you something to think about today :) Here is to making 2020 the most profitable year that you have ever had!

------------------ What I Did To Keep Myself Sane.....
Worked on another one of my projects. I won't tell you just how many blogs that I own at the moment, but its a lot lol. I use them pretty much because I love collecting information. They are kind of like my bucket list of neat stuff that I don't want to lose!!

Friday...**“I baked butter tart squares. They look good but I think that I had better do a taste test to be sure. ;) 

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