
If I Knew That Quince Looked This Good...

My lawn needs some work. The back yard seems to love to attract moss. Today, I'm pulling it off with a rakes. So far it's working. Looks as if I need a ton of grass seed and will then keep fingers crossed. So far rhubarb and quince seems to like it. I have never grown quince before!!  The previous owners left it here and it's growing like wild fire. It is covered with the most gorgeous tangerine/orange blossoms!! 

Rhubarb, I grew up with... quince I have no idea what to do with it lol. But it sure is pretty!!

Hope that I gave you something to think about today :) Here is to making 2020 the most profitable year that you have ever had!

------------------ What I Did To Keep Myself Sane.....
Worked on another one of my projects. I won't tell you just how many blogs that I own at the moment, but its a lot lol. I use them pretty much because I love collecting information. They are kind of like my bucket list of neat stuff that I don't want to lose!!

Tues** Off to the library. We have books put on hold and to retrieve them, all you have to do is hit the doorbell. I didn't even know our library had one but it will be nice to get some new books to read. I ordered one by Sark!!

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