
Holiday Entertaining... The Easy Way

While this isn't always going to work for every family, if you begin the tradition, it will catch on and everyone will thank you for setting it up in the first place! What you are going to do is to call a family meeting... email or what have you and suggest that throughout 2017, the entire family is going to have pot lucks so that no one has all the cooking to do. Sounds fair to me!  The next thing you will want to do is ask everyone to post what they would want to bring so that everyone doesn't end up bringing desserts. Once that has been decided, you can go on to the next step!

You are going to  find a recipe that you are really good at and perfect it lol! That is what you will be taking to each and every potluck.

I try to update this site at least once an hour with ways to make you smarter about your money. Here is to making 2017 the most profitable year that you have ever had!

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