
18 Year Old Girl Auctions Off Her Virginity To Pay For School

 I don't know if this is what the world is coming to or it is a publicity stunt. To be honest, my own daughter went to university to get the science degree that she thought would make a difference in her life.  Now, with the degree that she spent hours and hours of studying to receive, no one will give her even an interview. They all want experience and lots of it. Luckily, she lives with us, so at least she doesn't have to resort to something like what this 18 year old is trying to do. It might not be worth the bother anyway.

Her last job involved working for a garden center for minimum wage. Can anyone live on minimum wage anymore? Maybe at one time, but certainly not any more but those are the only jobs out there... at least that have even responded to her resumes.

And another part of me is wondering whether it is just a big publicity stunt. She really has no intention of going through with it, but at least a lot of people are aware of her.

 Here is the story

Hope that I gave you something to think about today :) Here is to making 2017 the most profitable year that you have ever had!

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