
2020... My Plan... A Year of More Fun Than Last Year!!

Jan 1. This year, we are going to learn how to control every single penny without feeling that we are missing out! And you are talking to a recovering shopaholic here so if I can do it... so can you lol!

Today, I'm going to clean out my sock drawer. I have lots that I don't wear anymore... those tiny holes that are appearing in the heels... you know the ones. So, when I have them all pulled out and laying on my bed, I'm going to come up with new uses for them. Other than the holes, there's nothing wrong with them, so they are too good to throw out!!  I'm sure there will be plenty of ways to use old socks once I start thinking about it... but here is the first...

1. Use them for dusting.  I should have enough to be able to dust every single day if I want to!  That should help with my allergies big time!!

I have already decided on our next vacation... I have my work cut out for me, but it worked this year using my little ways to save. We went to Germany and rented a house for 2 weeks and while we were there, we went to Austria and Switzerland. We had plans for France, but we ran out of time.

Next year... it's a week in Paris and a week in London. I really have to make this work lol, because the cost of apartments in both cities and unbelievable for 3 people!!

Hope that I gave you something to think about today :) Here is to making 2020 the most profitable year that you have ever had!

---------7 Things To Save You Money This Month-------------

Monday* Choose one thing this month that you can live without. You are going to have a decluttering garage sale this summer! Once you begin looking... you will see lots of things that you are tired of!!

Tues**Instead of buying books, reread one that you read years and years ago... I just finished a Nancy Drew book lol... and loved it. Took me back to when I was a kid!! There is an entire series in the library! 

Wednesday** Have a jar where your throw your found money. And then go for a walk and look for more. My biggest find was a wad of cash all neatly folded and lying on the sidewalk. It was my birthday. I'm sure it was mom wishing me a Happy Birthday!!  My husband laughs when I told him the story. He told me to ask her for more on my next birthday lol!!

Thurs** Turn the furnace down one degree. It's amazing at what you can get used to!

Friday...**“If you want to feel rich, just count the things you have that money can't buy” (Proverb)
Saturday**Plan this year's Christmas dinner and add one dish that will be a surprise!
Sunday** No one writes letters anymore... write one, stick a stamp on it and send it out. Make someone's day!!!

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