
*Is Your House Too Small?

You might think that it is and you might be right! But, have you tried to squeeze every inch out of what you have? That is what my son is trying to do. They have decided that they are going to make the house they have work for them rather than getting into more debt by buying a larger house.
They took a look at what they had which included 3 bedrooms... which leaves one extra for a guest room. They also have a back yard that they have turned into an outdoor entertainment area for the family during the summer. They actually have all of their meals out there and love it.

They also choose a project every year or so to tackle. A year ago that was installing hardwood floors. Their next project is to see if they can enlarge their kitchen. I can almost see how they should be able to do it. All they will have to do is find a new place for their china cabinet. That would give them ample space to lengthen their kitchen!!

And the best part... they will have their house completely paid off before their daughter turns 12.

I try to update this site at least once an hour with ways to make you smarter about your money. Here is to making 2017 the most profitable year that you have ever had!

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