
What Else Can Go Wrong???

If you have perennials in your garden, don't take them for granted that this cold snap that we are having is not going to hurt them. Our rhubarb was doing amazingly well but last night dropped down to -7 if you can believe it and tonight's temperatures aren't going to be much better. Last night I covered them black planters that we found under the back deck. I'm sure  that trees must have come in them at one time. They were just big enough to cover each plant. This morning... they looked fine. Keeping fingers crossed that they will get through this cold snap. I don't want to have to go out and replace the plants. We have spent enough on this house to date.

 A few nights ago we found water running down the inside of one of your walls. We THINK we have it fixed, but the wall is going to stay open until the summer ends. Yes, our guest bathroom wall has a giant hole in it. Good thing that our friends are used to stuff like this lol. Hubby is always fixing or updating something and it's never in a spot where it won't be seen ;)

So, getting back to those plants. You might want to find an old sheep to cover some of your plants. That is what the next door neighbours did.  They haven't removed them yet, but I'm hoping that they made it through the night!!

Hope that I gave you something to think about today :) Here is to making 2020 the most profitable year that you have ever had!

------------------ What I Did To Keep Myself Sane Today??-------------------------

Tues** I was going to bake this morning, but decided on a nice long walk in the sunshine. Thank goodness I hadn't packed away the parka!

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