
Something You Can Do Right Now

Don't rake up the leaves in your garden. Okay, you can rake them... but spread them on the lawn to dry out. Don't put them in those paper bags to sit on the curb for pick up. Let them dry on your lawn and then when it comes time to cut your grass, let the lawn mower chop them up. You grass gets cut, and the leaves become instant fertilizer for your lawn!

Money saved...  no bags to buy (no trees chopped down) and you have free fertilizer.  Okay, that was my money saving tip for today. Back to what we are facing right now. 

This has been the worst day for new cases and guess what... I just saw 3 teens go walking by the house and there certainly wasn't any space between any of them. Guess we still have a ways to go before people start taking this seriously!

Hope that I gave you something to think about today :) Here is to making 2020 the most profitable year that you have ever had!

------------------ What I Did To Keep Myself Sane Today??-------------------------

Wednesday** We found where our leak was coming from in our house. We should be able to fix it without it costing us a ton of money!! 

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